1992-02-27 ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT SPECIAL MEETING MINUTESMINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS HELD ON FEBRUARY 27, 1992, AT 7:00 P.M., IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, TEXAS The meeting was called to order at 7:03 P.M. with the following present: Chairman Patsy Eilers Member Jim Sudela Alternate Member E.A. Wasek Alternate Member Marvin Elam Staff Representative Don Guynes Asst. to City Secretary Leslie Schroeder Max White and Joe Fowler had an excused absence. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by E.A. Wasek, seconded by Marvin Elam, that the Minutes of the January 13, 1992 meeting be approved as submitted. Motion passed 4 to 0. NEW BUSINESS V92-11, REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO REPLACE EXISTING CANS (340 SQUARE FEET) WITH A SIGN OF THE SAME DIMENSIONS, BY KENT SULLI- VAN, OWNER, ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2506 FRANCES. Mr. Sullivan, owner, explained to the Board that he currently has a plywood sign on steel standards which has been erected for ap- proximately eight years. He expressed his desire to remove the sign which is cracking, fading, bowing, etc. and replace it with plastic facing with neon illumination. It was determined by the Board that the sign would be secured to the existing steel standards and the dimensions would remain the same. It was moved by E.A. Wasek, seconded by Marvin Elam that V92-11 be approved as submitted. Motion passed 4 to 0. 1 V92-12, REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE TO ENCROACH 31211 INTO THE SOUTH SIDEYARD AND 2116" INTO THE NORTH SIDEYARD SETBACK FROM THE REQUIRED 251, BY HOLLIS COWMAN, OWNER, ON PROPERTY LOCATED ON 3325 SOUTH MAIN. Mr. Cowman, owner, explained to the Board that the existing building is 501 x 501. The building is currently in pretty bad shape. Mr. Cowman stated he intends to replace the existing rusty outer material on the building with all new material. He explained that he would like to add on to the rear of the existing building which currently encroaches into the sideyard setback line. Mr. Cowman explained that he intends to open a sterilization facility which would sterilize hospital operating room gowns, sheets, towels, etc. The Board concurred that this would be a welcomed business to the community and did not object to this addition. It was moved by Jim Sudela, seconded by E.A. Wasek, that V92-12, be approved as submitted. Motion passed 4 to 0. V92-13, REQUEST FOR A VARIANCE FOR PARKING ACCESS IN THE FRONT RIGHT-OF-WAY, BY LANCE SNYDER, OWNER, ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 2508 COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE. Mr. Snyder requested permission to pour a driveway in the front of his property. He stated that this would be consistent with the other patio homes on the street. The Board agreed this driveway would keep the cars from parking on the street which would help the flow of traffic. After no further discussion it was moved by E.A. Wasek, seconded by Jim Sudela that the V92-13 be approved as submitted. Motion passed 4 to 0. INFORMAL DISCUSSION WITH ED THOMPSON, AGENT FOR STATE FARM INSUR- ANCE CO. Mr. Thompson, agent for State Farm Insurance Company, discussed with the Board the sign ordinance. Mr. Thompson wanted clarifi- cation of Section 22-13 (Maintenance of Signs) and Section 22-15 (Replacement or Repair of Sign) as found in Ordinance 509-A (Sign Ordinance) of the Land Use and Urban Development Ordinance. The Board discussed with Mr. Thompson maintenance, replacement and repair of existing signs. �A ADJOURN The Meeting adjourned at 8:10 P.M. Minutes a ov d as submitted and/or corrected this 1� day of , A.D., 1992. J l ATTEST: Pa Jones City Secre ry 3