1993-01-11 CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING MINUTES200 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, TEXAS, HELD ON JANUARY 11, 1993, AT 7:30 P. M. IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, 3519 LIBERTY DRIVE, PEARLAND, TEXAS The meeting was called to order with the following present: Mayor C. v. Coppinger Mayor Pro Tem/Councilmember Randy Weber Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember City Manager City Attorney City Secretary D. A. Miller Benny Frank Joy Colson David Smith Paul Grohman Lester Rorick Pat Jones Others in attendance were Division Directors Richard Burdine and Glen Erwin, City Engineer John Hargrove, Park Director Ed Hersh, and Police Chief Mike Hogg. INVOCATION AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The invocation was given by Chief Hogg. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by'Councilmember Colson. APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilmember Colson, seconded by Councilmember Smith, that the minutes of the special meeting of December 14, 1992, be approved as submitted. Motion passed 5 to 0. It was moved by Councilmember Frank, seconded by Councilmember Colson, that the minutes of the regular meeting of December 14, 1992, be approved as submitted. Motion passed 5 to 0. MAYOR'S ACTIVITY REPORT Mayor Coppinger issued a proclamation to Robert Hasson for his work with a needy family in the City. Mayor Coppinger concluded his report by asking Council and Staff to comment on various items as each gave his or her report. COUNCIL ACTIVITY REPORTS Councilmember Miller reported his attendance at the monthly Park Board meeting on January 9th. Mr. Miller also announced that the City of Pearland will host the monthly Brazoria County Cities Association meeting at Golfcrest Country Club on the 20th of January. Councilmember Miller currently serves as president of this organization composed of 19 cities in Brazoria County. Councilmember Frank reported he is planning a reception for the approximately 59 individuals who serve on the various boards and commissions of the City. The date is tentatively set for January 21. It is hoped from this meeting that job descriptions can be developed for those serving in these capacities. Councilmembers Weber and Colson had nothing to report at this time. Councilmember Smith, Emergency Management Coordinator, reported on the recent hazardous material accident at Shank and Mykawa where a tanker carrying methanol overturned. Mr. Smith commended all the emergency response teams and informed that approximately 50% of those responding were regular City volunteers. Department of Public Safety and Texas Water Commission officials who were on the scene the next day were pleased with the way the situation was handled, Mr. Smith reported. Councilmember Smith reported he was aware of the recent chemical fire but, due to illness, he did not make this call. Mr. Smith related he had read the reports which indicated all had been handled well and asked City Manager Grohman to cover this inci- dent in his report. Continuing his report, Councilmember Smith informed he met this morning with Drainage District No. 4. Through contact with FEMA and the State, Mr. Smith reported, it has become evident that the City is lacking a source of heavy equipment to be used in the event of a major disaster. This was discussed with the Drainage District and their representatives indicated a willingness to study this situation and possibly enter into a mutual aid agree- ment with the City. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT City Manager Grohman reported on the chemical fire on Halik Road and stated it was handled well. Water supply was a problem with Hwy 35 having to be closed to lay a hose across it. Other than the trunking line problem, the situation was managed well with personnel providing a good response. Mr. Grohman reported the County will be back with their coopera- tive paving program when the weather clears. A new water line is scheduled to be installed on Pearland Street before it is overlaid. Stripipg of some streets is currently taking place. The last project of the Street Improvement Program, Industrial Road, is underway. This road has pipeline crossings and Tomahawk Equipment located on Industrial Road is donating the cost of the labor at a substantial savings to the City. Continuing his report, City Manager Grohman reported an awning for the motor pool at the City Shop is being installed. The park areas are experiencing some improvements with the pool bath areas and restrooms being brought up to better quality. An infield at the softball park is being replaced and handicapped doors are being installed at the Community Center and City Hall to meet ADA compliance. Mr. Grohman related he will be meeting with representatives from Alvin, League City, and Friendswood to discuss solutions to dis- posing of hazardous household waste and waste oils. By taking a regional approach, a cost-efficient plan is hoped to be achieved. A meeting was held last week with the Highway Department regard- ing the FM 518 widening project. The State plans to let its bid in August of 1993. The City's tentative schedule is to bid its drainage work March 19, hoping to complete right-of-way acquisi- tion by April 30, and begin work May 17 with a completion date of September 10, after which the State will begin its work. The State expects a completion time of 12 to 18 months. City Manager Grohman reported the City has received a grant of $46,900 from the State Crime Victims Assistance Office. This grant is specifically for crimes involving family violence and cases of sexual abuse and child abuse. The Lions Club, Mr. Grohman continued, is interested in building a firing range for the Police Department behind the police sta- tion. The Lions Club would like to move its annual Turkey Shoot 202 back inside the city limits and this would allow the police officers to practice more regularly. This appears to be a good bargain for all parties and more information will be provided at a future meeting, Mr. Grohman stated. Councilmember Smith asked that the intersection of Shank and Mykawa be looked at to possibly extend the piping in light of the recent hazardous spill accident. CITIZENS 1. Daphne Hereford, Heritage Manor, Pearland. Ms. Hereford questioned why she was not given an answer to a question she asked in October regarding the hiring of an employee. Mayor Coppinger responded to Ms. Hereford, as well as Coun- cilmembers Weber and Frank who stated they were comfortable with this employee and his performance record. Councilmem- ber Frank indicated the Council was already aware of the questions raised by Ms. Hereford in October. 2. Donna Lunn, 2609 Mary Avenue, Pearland. Ms. Lunn spoke regarding some construction near her residence which is resulting in large piles of dirt and rubbish and impeding drainage in her area. City Manager Grohman reported the Staff was aware of this situation and City Engineer John Hargrove and Public Works Superintendent Ronny McWhirter have visited the area to see what can be done. Mayor Coppinger recognized representatives from the Pearland Independent School District who were present in the audience. DOCKETED PUBLIC HEARINGS: None UNFINISHED BUSINESS: ORDINANCE NO. 651, VACATING, CLOSING AND ABANDONING 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT IN SHERWOOD SUBDIVISION Ordinance No. 651 was read in caption by Councilmember Smith. It was moved by Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Colson, that Ordinance No. 651 be passed and approved on its second and final reading. Said Ordinance No. 651 reads in caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 651 AN ORDINANCE VACATING, CLOSING, AND ABANDONING A CER- TAIN 10' DRAINAGE EASEMENT, IN THE COMMERCIAL RESERVE OF SHERWOOD SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 10, PAGES 11 AND 12 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF BRAZORIA COUNTY, TEXAS. In discussion, Councilmember Miller requested the date the ordi- nance is finally approved be corrected from 1992 to 1993. Voting "Aye" - Councilmembers Miller, Frank, Weber, Colson, and Smith. Voting "No" - None. Motion passed 5 to 0. MOTION TO REMOVE FROM TABLE AND COUNCIL DECISION ON ACCEPTANCE OF RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT FROM RICHARD SIMPSON AND YMCA It was moved by Councilmember Weber, seconded by Councilmember Frank, that this item be removed from the table for considera- tion. Motion passed 3 to 1, with one abstention. (Councilmember Colson voting no and Councilmember Smith abstaining.) City Manager Grohman discussed the developments in this proposed road construction. The placement of the road has been changed slightly westward which will lower the cost of the road somewhat. The timeliness of the donation of the right-of-way came into question when this item was last considered, Mr. Grohman re- called. Mr. Simpson, owner of the land to be donated, had indi- cated he did not wish to actually donate the land until next August in order to take advantage of a tax exemption. A meeting has since been held with Mr. Simpson and his representative and City Manager Grohman and City Attorney Rorick. Mr. Simpson is now willing to lose part of his tax exemption as the City cannot build the road until the site is public land. A fee simple would not be obtained, however, until August, with a right-of-way ease- ment being used to build the road. Mr. Grohman stated he felt this would not be a problem as right-of-way easements are used to build roads and the only disadvantage to never obtaining a fee simple would be to Mr. Simpson in that he would continue paying taxes on this area. Council discussed ownership of the property and questioned City Attorney Rorick who stated the City would be taking sufficient interest in the property to justify putting a roadway on it as we have done in other instances. There ensued a lengthy discussion between Staff and Council regarding placement of the road from FM 518, costs, engineering services, and actual footage to be paved on the extension of Stratford. Councilmember Colson stated her reasons for not voting to remove this item from the table for consideration. She expressed con- cerns over the rezoning issue. As Mr. Simpson's first request to rezone was denied, it is likely he will petition again for rezon- ing and Mrs. Colson stated she did not feel comfortable voting on this until it was known what the zoning will be. Mrs. Colson also stated she felt the City's portion was too high and ex- pressed the opinion that these funds were not appropriated in this year's budget and should not be put ahead of other projects. Closing her remarks, Councilmember Colson stated she did not oppose the street itself and is totally in support of the YMCA but she felt other things should be given consideration first. Councilmember Weber stated the project should be undertaken at this time as it will help the Council meet one of its goals - supporting the youth of the City. Also, Mr. Weber pointed out, Mr. Simpson is aware that his donation of the roadway will have no favorable impact on his possible future request for rezoning. Discussion continued concerning utility connections and the width of the roadway easement. Councilmember Miller stated that while he had voted to remove this item from the table for discussion, he agreed with concerns made regarding the rezoning issue and lack of appropriation of funds. He stated his support of the "Y" and his respect for all parties involved, but he felt the timing was premature. It was moved by Councilmember Frank, seconded by Councilmember _ Colson, that this item be tabled until Council has approved funds to expend on this project by budget appropriation for the coming year. City Manager Grohman stated budget preparation will begin in June of 1993 with the new fiscal year beginning October 1. Motion passed 5 to 0. i 204 NEW BUSINESS CHANGE IN ORDER OF BUSINESS CONSOLIDATION OF TAX DEPARTMENT WITH PEARLAND INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT AND NAMING PISD TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR AS THE CITY TAX ASSESSOR/COLLECTOR Mr. Nigel Harrison, President of the Pearland School Board, introduced school representatives in the audience. Division Director Glen Erwin recommended approval of this action as it was one of the goals set by Council at its retreat in July and gave an analysis of the savings to the City by the consolida- tion of the two taxing entities. Council discussed the figures given in the cost savings analysis. It was stated the School District will be able to reduce some of their costs, but they will not make money from this as they are prohibited from making a profit. Question was raised regarding the firm the City uses for its delinquent tax collections. City Manager Grohman informed this agenda item does not address this, but the City can retain this firm, use the District's firm, or choose another firm. Mayor Coppinger asked the School District for its comments and Mr. Herb Carleston, Superintendent of Business, and Mrs. Jo Knight, Tax Assessor/Collector, assured the City they were will- ing to enter into this consolidation if the City so chose and would do the best job possible for all concerned. It was moved by Councilmember Weber, seconded by Councilmember Smith, that the City consolidate its Tax Department with the Pearland Independent School District's Tax Department and name the District's Tax Assessor/Collector as the City's Tax Assessor/Collector. It was noted this item is on the District's agenda for its meet- ing tomorrow night. Councilmember Miller inquired into the timing of this consolida- tion, asking if it would be better to wait. City Manager Grohman responded that timing was considered. It is felt by both enti- ties that now is an appropriate time as current payments are in and delinquent statements, which will be mailed the first of February, can be mailed together. Closing his remarks, Council - member Miller noted that consolidations have been done in other taxing entities. Motion passed 5 to 0. BID NO. B92-15, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Council considered the following bids: COMPANY BOND SECTION A SECTION B TOTAL PATE & PATE ENT. X $465,941.70 $3,465.00 $469,406.70 UTICON, INC. X $431,688.35 $4,005.00 $435,693.35 JKL CONST., INC. X $423,321.36 $2,870.00 $426,191.36 PAS -KEY CONST.,INC. X $485,339.94 $2,535.00 $487,874.94 COMPANY BOND SECTION A SECTION B TOTAL T & R UTILITIES X $482,424.00 $2,445.00 $484,869.00 MERCER CONST. CO. X $417,838.00 $3,341.00 $421,179.00 HOLLAND & HOLLAND,INC. X $348,948.25 $3,595.00 $355,387.25 GEORGE M CONST.,INC. X $380,506.75 $2,890.00 $383,396.75 City Manager Grohman reported this action was long overdue with some services promised in 1981-82. Division Director Richard Burdine discussed the bids received and stated the low bidder was Holland & Holland. This firm has been checked out by Walsh Engineering which recommended award to this company. The bid came in well under the engineer's estimate, Mr. Burdine stated. Continuing his comments, Mr. Burdine informed the Council of what will be accomplished with the award of this bid. This will allow the construction of the first phase of a design project to provide sewer service for an area bound by O'Day Road on the west, Woody Road on the east, Brookside Village on the northern City limits, and FM 518 on the south. The southern third of this area will be served by this, taking in three mobile home parks along O'Day Road. Mayor Coppinger asked when the sewer line is in place will it obligate the City to other expenses such as connecting the house- holds to the line. Mr. Burdine responded that 20' easements will have to be acquired and the connection fees will be waived in exchange for the ease- ments. At present, approximately twenty connections will be made immediately with a few more to come later on. Discussion followed regarding charges for tap fees and considera- tion of reinstatement of impact fees. It was noted some of these individuals have been in the City for over ten years without these services. It was moved by Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Colson, that Bid No. B92-15, Sanitary Sewer Improvements Project, be awarded to Holland & Holland in the amount of $355,387.25 with funds to be taken from appropriate sources. Motion passed 5 to 0. Mayor Coppinger asked citizens from this area who were present in the audience to offer their comments and those who spoke offered favorable remarks. Mayor Coppinger also commended City Manager Grohman and Staff for attending to this long overdue project. MEETING RECESSED AT 8:57 P.M. MEETING RECONVENED AT 9:09 P. M. BID NO. B92-17, POLICE PACKAGE VEHICLES Council considered the following bids: I 206 DELIVERY VENDOR MODEL PRICE DATE 93 CHEV 90-120 KNAPP CHEV CAPRICE $12,452.00 DAYS C.MILLER 93 FORD 90-120 FORD CRWN VIC $13,727.39 DAYS CROSSTOWN FORD SALES NO BID ALT A ALT B1 ALT B2 $12,452.00 $530 $ 825 $13,727.39 $970 $1,085 C.THOMAS 93 FORD 75-100 FORD CRWN VIC $13,275.00 DAYS $13,275.00 $925 $1,120 A.C.COLLINS 93 FORD 120 FORD CRWN VIC $12,829.00 DAYS NO BID NO BID $1,145 LES MARKS 93 CHEV 90-120 CHEVROLET CAPRICE $12,850.00 DAYS $12,850.00 NO BID NO BID BOB PAGAN 93 FORD 110 FORD CRWN VIC $12,833.00 DAYS $12,833.00 $600 $1,085 RON CARTER AUTOLAND NO BID City Manager Grohman stated Staff recommends award to Knapp Chevrolet in the amount of $12,452.00 per unit. This bid was lower than H -GAC and the State. Question was asked if these are to be replacement vehicles and Chief Hogg indicated one of the older vehicles may have to be kept for the new Crime Victims Assistance position. Question was also asked why the local Chevrolet dealer did not submit a bid and after the reasons were explained, it was noted that Strickland Chevrolet will probably be given the extended warranty package on these vehicles. It was moved by Councilmember Weber, seconded by Councilmember Colson, that Bid No. B92-17, Police Package Vehicles, be awarded to Knapp Chevrolet in the amount of $12,452.00. Motion passed 5 to 0. APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO 1993 CHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION It was moved by Councilmember Weber, seconded by Councilmember Frank, that John Lejsal, Patsy Eilers, Nell Fuller, Rob Larsen, and Ben Lenamon be appointed to the 1993 Charter Review Commis- sion. Motion passed 4 to 0, with Councilmember Smith abstaining, stat- ing his reason for doing so because he is related to one of the appointees. COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION TO LEASE OIL AND GAS MINERAL RIGHTS AT OLD LANDFILL SITE CITIZEN INPUT: 1. Frances Jamison, FM 518, Pearland. Ms. Jamison asked what company would be leasing and how many acres are involved. 207 Division Director Glen Erwin stated he was contacted some months ago by Al Bisbee Oil and Gas Leasing Company regarding leasing this twenty acre tract. This property was leased in 1989 to Santa Fe Energy Company and this lease has expired. Staff is requesting permission to lease it again, and if granted, bids will be let to lease this property. It was moved by Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Weber, that Staff be authorized to bid and negotiate a lease on the property described as Lots 60 and 76 of the Allison Richey Gulf Coast Home Survey Subdivision, part of the E. Little Survey, Abstract 320. Motion passed 5 to 0. ACCEPTANCE OF WEST OAKS SUBDIVISION, SECTION ONE -A, WEST OAKS, LTD., DEVELOPER City Engineer John Hargrove informed the Council all items have been complied with and Staff recommends acceptance of this subdivision. It was noted this area is at the corner of Harkey and FM 518. It was moved by Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Colson, that West Oaks Subdivision, Section One -A, with its appurtenances, be accepted into the City. Motion passed 5 to 0. ACCEPTANCE OF WESTWOOD VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, SECTION 4, PULTE HOME CORPORATION, DEVELOPER Again, Mr. Hargrove informed all is in compliance and Staff recommends acceptance. It was moved by Councilmember Weber, seconded by Councilmember Frank, that Westwood Village Subdivision, Section 4, be accepted into the City. Motion passed 5 to 0. RESOLUTION NO. R93-1, AUTHORIZING STOP SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY Resolution No. R93-1 was read in caption by Councilmember Weber. It was moved by Councilmember Weber, seconded by Councilmember Colson, that Resolution No. R93-1 be passed and approved on its first and only reading. City Manager Grohman noted that the placement of these stop signs is a direct result of citizens' requests. Said Resolution No. R93-1 reads in caption as follows: RESOLUTION NO. R93-1 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING, DIRECTING, AND RATIFYING PLACEMENT AND ERECTION OF CERTAIN STOP SIGNS WITHIN THE CITY OF PEARLAND. Voting "Aye" - Councilmembers Miller, Frank, Weber, Colson, and Smith. Voting "No" - None. Motion passed 5 to 0. ORDINANCE NO. 652, ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS UPON MAGNOLIA ROAD AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY Ordinance No. 652 was read in caption by Councilmember Miller. It was moved by Councilmember Miller, seconded by Councilmember WOO • Frank, that Ordinance No. 652 be passed and approved on its first and only reading. Said Ordinance No. 652 reads in caption as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 652 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING AND REESTABLISHING PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS PURSUANT TO ARTICLE 6701D, VERNON'S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES, UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON MAGNOLIA ROAD, OR PARTS THEREOF, WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF PEARLAND, AS SET OUT IN THIS ORDINANCE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION; CONTAINING A SAVINGS CLAUSE, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND A REPEALER CLAUSE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, FOR PUBLICATION AND FOR CODIFICATION; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY BECAUSE THE NEED TO ESTAB- LISH CORRECT MAXIMUM SPEED LIMITS INURES TO THE BENEFIT OF THE TRAVELING PUBLIC AND, THEREFORE, BEARS DIRECTLY UPON THE HEALTH, SAFETY AND WELFARE OF THE CITIZENRY. Voting "Aye" - Councilmembers Miller, Frank, Weber, Colson, and Smith. Voting "No" - None. Motion passed 5 to 0. CONSIDERATION OF TERMINATION OF LEASE AGREEMENT WITH MARSHALL L. HALE DATED MARCH 4, 1983 Mr. Vince Bruno, Chairman of Parks Board, stated the Parks Board has recommended the removal of the mobile home from Independence Park so that the pool area can be expanded, giving it a new look which will bring more visitors to the park and more revenue to the City. Councilmember Miller, liaison to the Parks Board, stated it was felt the trailer has outserved its usefulness and the security to the Park previously provided by the tenants has been willingly accepted by the Police Department. It was moved by Councilmember Miller that the request to termi- nate the lease agreement with Marshall L. Hale dated March 4, 1983, be terminated as of this date with Mr. Hale being given 60 days notice to vacate. City Manager Grohman noted that the contract written in 1983 specifies 30 days notice but that 60 days appears to be more appropriate at this time. It was mentioned that Mr. Hale will be responsible for moving costs and that the utility costs paid by the City on this site have risen significantly over the years. Motion was seconded by Councilmember Smith. Motion passed 5 to 0. COUNCIL AUTHORIZATION FOR CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN ENGINEER- ING CONTRACT FOR SPECIFIC THOROUGHFARE DEVELOPMENT City Manager Grohman reported he has been working with Snowden Engineering to provide engineering services for the proposed unnamed road that is sometimes called "Oiler" which will run south of the high school property to make an 1 -shaped turn into the road which would lead into John Lizer Road. This will not be an inexpensive project, Mr. Grohman cautioned, and funds budgeted will only allow for a two lane road rather than four lanes. Council questioned whether the cost shown was a firm figure or a negotiable one. City Manager Grohman indicated it was negotiable depending upon changes. It was moved by Councilmember Smith, seconded by Councilmember Colson, that the City Manager be authorized to enter into an engineering contract with Snowden Engineering for specific thor- oughfare development which is the scope of design from John Lizer Road in a south direction to the existing 601 right-of-way and from there out to Hwy 35, thus providing the complete engineering work for the high school. Motion passed 5 to 0. Mr. Jim Snowden was present in the audience and commended City Manager Grohman for the progress he has made during his tenure with the City. RESOLUTION NO. R93-2, AMENDING R82-30, DETERMINING CHARGES FOR WATER AND SEWER SYSTEM CONNECTIONS Resolution No. R93-2 was read in caption by Mayor Coppinger. Councilmember Weber then read R93-2 in its entirety. Division Director Richard Burdine explained the fees have been the same for the past eleven years and will remain so with one basic exception. On the 411 residential tap, the words "where no road bore required" have been added. This procedure has to be contracted out and often costs as much as $750.00. It is pro- posed that When this procedure is used, that charges are made to recover the City's cost. Discussion followed concerning the use of water hydrant meters and it was noted that most of the water purchased is done by tanker load at the Service Center. Providing water to new development projects was discussed. It was moved by Councilmember Colson, seconded by Councilmember Miller, that Resolution No. R93-2 be passed and approved on its first and only reading. Resolution No. R93-2 reads in caption as follows: RESOLUTION NO. R93-2 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PEAR - LAND, TEXAS, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. R82-30, DETERMIN- ING CHARGES FOR CONNECTIONS TO WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS OF THE CITY, AS PROVIDED IN CHAPTER 30, ARTICLE II, SECTION 3-38 OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Voting "Aye" - Councilmembers Smith, Colson, Weber, Frank, and Miller. Voting "No" - None. Motion passed 5 to 0. MINUTE ORDER AMENDING THE POLICY ON EXTENSION OF WATER AND SEWER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS Councilmember Colson read the policy adopted by the Council on December, 1984, for the extension of water and sewer service outside the City limits which specified the following: 1. That the capacity is adequate to serve the area outside the city limits. 2. That all charges for water and sewer service be at a rate of 1 and 1/2 times that existing in the City. 3. That anyone tying on to City water and sewer be required to pay the normal tap fees and capital recovery fees. 4_ That any off-site extension would be at the customer's expense. 210 Staff recommends that a fifth condition be included in this policy: 5. That the owner of the property to be served with City water and/or sewer petition the City Council for annexation into the City. The annexation petition shall be in a form pre- scribed by the City Attorney. It was moved by Councilmember Colson, seconded by Councilmember Smith, that this fifth condition be added to the policy. Motion passed 5 to 0. OTHER BUSINESS: None ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 9:48 P. M. Minutes approved this day of A. D., 1993. ATTEST: City Secretary Mayor