A special meeting of the Pearland City Council was called to order
by Mayor Kegley at ?:30 P. M. in the City Hall on March 15, 1965
with the following present:
Mayor John G. Kegley
Councilman Gene E. Sanders
Councilman L. C. Hawkins
Councilman Victor A. Nolen
Councilman Steven A. Shukanes
City Secretary W.A. McClellan
Visitors: George R. Collier, Chief Engineer of the Gulf, Colorado
and Santa Fe Railway Company, E. E. Baker,Superintendent of the
GC & S. F. RR Co., Temple, Texas, J. 0. Cox, Acting Signal Engineer,
A. N. Wade, Trainmaster, Galveston, Wayne Spinn, Secretary to the
Superintendent, Temple, J. L. Lee, Superintendent of Construction,
Galveston and R. C. Garland, Engineer, Temple, Texas.
Mayor Kegley stated that the,ourpose of the meeting was to discuss
with the Santa Fe officials the proposed Orange Street crossing and
recognized Mr. Collier as their spokesman.
Mr. Collier started with the previous estimate of approximately
K43,000.00 and took from that the expense of raising of pole line
000.00 and siding $7,000.00 that the Railroad would be willing
to stand that amount of expense, if the City would consider using
automatic flashing lights and gates for signal devices, and solid plank-
ing between the tracks, also the City to tal-e care of the building, grad-
ing and drainage of approaches, leaving a gra;.nd total of $26,000.00
with the City's share being one-half of $13,000.00.
After due discussion it was decided that Mr. Collier would draw up
a proposal to submit to the City to have their legal authorities
start drawing up a formal contract.
Meeting recessed at 8:25 P. M.
Meeting reconvened at 8:30 P. M. for special meeting.
Councilman Hawkins made a motion that the City accept P. V. C. plastic
pipe up to 3" size,ASTM, Type 1, Grade 1 for use as water lines,
subject to the approval of Escue Harris and William C. Walsh. Motion
seconded by Councilman Alexander. WHEREUPON, the question was asked
and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes.
Motion made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Nolen that
a check be made payable to the First City National Bank Bank ofHouston,
Trust Department, for a rincipal payment of $1,000.00,interest
$2,070.00 and bank fees $6.18 on the Brazoria County Water Control and
Improvement District No. 3 Waterworks and Sewer Unlimited Tax Bonds
Series dated 4-1-61 and due 4-1-65. WHEREUPON, the question was asked
and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no "noes."
Motion made by Councilman Shukanes, seconded by Councilman Hawkins
that a check be made payable to to theFirst City National Bank of
Houston, Trust Department, for a rincipal payment of $10,000.00,
interest $3,506.25 and bank fees 19.35 on the Brazoria County WCID
No. 3 Refunding Bonds, Series dated 10-1-63 due 4-1-65. WHEREUPON,
the question was asked'and the motion carried, all Councilman voted
"aye" with no "noes."
Motion made by Shukanes, seconded by Nolen that checks in the amount
of $400.00 total for cost of condemnation proceedings of City of
Pearland vs Raymond E. Manesss, Jr, et ux, be issued to the Special
Commissioners and Appraisers, as follows:
M. 0. Knapp -
Lloyd Yost -
Jewel E. Little
- $_50.00
William Louden $50.00
Eugene Richey $200.00
WHEREUPON, the question was asked and the motion carried, all Council-
men voted "aye" with no "noes."
After due discussion about the purchase of a patrol car for the Police
Department-, Councilman Sanders made a motion, seconded by Shukanes
that the City Secretary be instructed to contact City Attorney Jack
Harrison in regard to the rejected bids on the police car and determine
whether the Council can legally accept the low bid received on March
12, 1965, as an emergency purchase and if not, to readvertise for
bids under identical specifications. WHEREUPON, the question was
asked and the motion carried, all Councilmen voted "aye" with no
Meeting adjourned at 9:00 P. M.
Minutes approved as read and/or corrected this the // day of
/i _ 111r,
City Secretary